I realize it has now been over a month since my last blog. In just one month Whitney has really been developing her personality. She is not a baby any longer, rather she is a VERY active little toddler. A few weeks ago we made a visit to the talking tree at Howard Curry and picked up two pairs of big girl shoes-some sandals and some tennis shoes. It is as if the new shoes have given her a superpower and she zooms around just creating one mess after another-we refer to her as our little tornado.
She loves hats and sunglasses and bows, pretty much anything that makes David and I say "You are SO cool". She loves to read books and wants us to read the same stories 20 times in a row; then she will take a small break only to pick out another book for more reading pleasure. She has really taken to her babies and rushes to the babies first thing in the morning.
She loves riding in her wagon. She bosses Maddie around demanding her to "sit" and "stay". Everyday is a new adventure with Whitney and it couldn't be more fun.

YIPPEE!!!! New pictures! How adorable is this child!!! I am loving these photos. (Poor Maddie only got her rump in the photo... ha ha. Kids change things a little.)
She is getting sooo big!
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