Eating the raw corn from the farmers market
Loud mouth (Ms. Sassy) in Pigtails
Maddies Boss (notice the fingerpointing-where does she pick this up??haha)
The Pigtails!!

More Raw Corn (I don't know how to download these in the order I want)

Ready for bed at the sleepover
Out to eat (think she looks just like David in the pic)

Now it has been way over a month since my last post and I know you must be waiting daily for new pics. We have been BUSY the last month. The Fourth of July was a blast. Aunt Stephanie and the gang made their way to Lexington for a long visit and we got to spend a lot of quality time together. Whitney just loves her cousins and we all wish we could see more of each other. On the 4th we had a very nice brunch at the Hobbs (Davids parents) house and then we all got together that night for the annual club cookout and fireworks. Aunt J (Jennifer) and her new beau Brian also joined us which was so nice. Then on Sunday the 6th Whitney was finally baptised at Christ the King. After the Baptism everyone headed over to our house for a very casual lunch (KFC, some fabulous sides and the White Sangria!!-easy and delicious). Whitney and her cousins got together later in the week for a photo shoot of which I will post those fabulous photos later (still need to download in order to attach). Whitney took swim lessons at the Y and LOVED every minute. She loves to swim. She puts her face under and jumps in from the side-it was a great experience and we will be signing up for the next level once she is 18 months. We went to the zoo with daycare in the middle of July and Whitney loved all of the animals (of course the ducks are still her favorite). Ms. Karen had a daycare luau and sleepover a few Fridays ago which is always so nice for the parents. David and I took the opportunity to go out to an adult dinner establishment (something other than El Toro, pizza, Pad Thai and such). It was a very nice break compliments of Ms. Karen (thank you!!!). You will see from the pictures that Whitney had just as much fun at the luau sleepover. You will also have to check out some of my random pics, including the ones with the pigtails. Ms. Karen put her hair up in the pigtails a week ago and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen-she is truly a toddler now. She screams out "baby" at all of the other babies we see while we are out now. How did it go by so fast??!!! She just amazes me-if you can't tell from some of the photos, she is the sassiest little person I have ever met and she is giving us a run for our money. The time just seems to be slipping away and before we know it September will be here. In just a couple weeks we will be heading out to Kansas City, MO to visit Uncle Matt and Erica (my brother and his girlfriend). I am so excited and it will be Whitney first time on the plane. I know I promise to keep everyone up to date and I haven't been great at downloading photos so it slows the whole process down. I know this has been a long rambling-just wanted to get in all I could and I will TRY to be better at posting-even if it is only a few blurbs without pics. Just four more days until the weekend!!!
Love the pictures of Whitney. I was wondering where the Hobbs Family had been. The pigtails are just adorable. One of these days Madi will grow enough hair to actually make pigtails. We were suppose to start swimming lessons this month, but they got pushed back to October, but I hope she enjoys them as much as Whitney does. I'm glad things are great with the family. Enjoy the rest of the summer!
HOW ADORABLE. I have been stalking for an update... and didn't even send out any harrassing emails. Aren't you proud??
She is really growing. Do you think I will ever make it over to see her... before she is walking down the aisle???
Time slips by so fast...
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