Whitney and Mommy on my birthday

Uncle Matts old fire truck that Grandpa restored to like new condition.

The newest firetruck at Grandpas house

Daddy riding the bikes at the pumkin patch

Deep concentration at the Pumpkin Patch

Look How Tall!!!

Once again I am so far behind the eight ball and another month has come and gone-actually now we are half way through November. October was a fun and busy month. A trip to the pumpkin patch with daycare, my birthday, fire truck fun, Halloween and many other random busy days. Whitney is growing so much and is starting to really talk up a storm. She is really picking up on things quickly. We sneeze and she says "Bless you", she knows some shapes, colors and numbers, she recognizes friends and family in pictures and will point say their names, she can pretty well tell us what it is she it wanting. Within the last few days, whenever she stubs a toe or finger she says "kiss" to make it better. The commands to Maddie (whom she now calls Maddie Girl) have increased-sit, stay, stop, NO NO NO, eat, come-and Maddie just lays there and takes it all in. She is so much fun these days and we are looking forward to the holidays!! She even regonizes and says Santa whenever we see a Santa Clause.
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